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Associated Characteristics of Staliking Following the Termination of Romantic Relationships

Description: This study investigated stalking by former romantic partners. It aimed to identify characteristics of relationships differentiating stalking from other post relationship experiences (harassment or no-harassment). A self-report questionnaire completed by 305 female undergraduates assessed experiences during and following termination of the relationship. Of the participants, 34.4% were classified as victims of stalking, 32.1% as having suffered post relationship harassment and 33.4% as having experienced no-harassment. Participants experiencing either stalking or harassment were most likely to have experienced controlling behaviour and denigration from their former partner during the relationship. Stalking was differentiated from harassment in that stalking victims were more likely to experience violence and sexual coercion during the relationship. These results are consistent with conceptualisations of stalking as a variant or extension of domestic violence.

Suggested Citation:
Roberts, K. A. (2005). Associated Characteristics of Staliking Following the Termination of Romantic Relationships [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 1(1), 15-35.

Keywords: forensic psychology, stalking, stalker characteristics, failed romantic relationships

Date: Feb 04, 2005 | File Size: 162.77 Kb | Downloads: 3489

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