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Citizen's police academies: Beliefs and Perceptions regarding the program

Description: The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) has gained widespread popularity across the United States. For many police departments, the academies represent a way for local citizens to interact with law enforcement officials in a positive setting. The current study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the academy in increasing community members' knowledge and understanding of the police department. The results showed significant differences regarding citizens' perceptions of law enforcement and knowledge of the department before and after participation in the academy. The findings suggest that academies are successful in increasing citizen's knowledge of the department and positively influencing community relations. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Suggested Citation:
Pope, J., Jones, T., Cook, S., & Waltrip, B. (2007). Citizen's police academies: Beliefs and Perceptions regarding the program [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 3(1), 42-53.

Keywords: citizen's police academies, police departments, citizen's perceptions

Date: May 16, 2007 | File Size: 44.72 Kb | Downloads: 2160

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