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A Qualitative Exploration of the Effects of Crime Victimization for Victims of Personal Crime

Description: Previous literature suggests crime victims' experiences or reactions to crime run o­n a continuum from little or no effect to extreme effects. Participants in this study reported minor to serious effects from crime victimizations. Additionally, this study found that talking with the offender may be a helpful component to the victims' recovery, and highlights the need for further research.

Suggested Citation:
DeValve, E. Q. (2005). A Qualitative Exploration of the Effects of Crime Victimization for Victims of Personal Crime [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 1(2), 71-89.

Keywords: victimization, personal crime, victim recovery, victim

Date: Sep 16, 2005 | File Size: 145.26 Kb | Downloads: 3233

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