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Description: Broadband assessment of personality and psychopathology may identify problems of clinical significance (e.g., suicidality, self-injury, untreated mental illness) not assessed in popular juvenile risk assessment tools. To investigate this possibility, we conducted multi-source, multi-method assessments of 11 community-dwelling juvenile offenders in a rural Midwestern county. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF) and Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) scores were obtained for each youth and operationalized with a descriptive q-sort. Criterion q-sort descriptions of the youth were obtained from the youth, caregivers, probation offi cers, therapists, and school staff . Scores on both instruments produced similar, reliable, and valid youth descriptions. In regression analyses, YLS/CMI profi les accounted for more variance in the criterion descriptions than the MMPI-A-RF (M ΔR2 = .26).
Suggested Citation:
Dodd, C. G., Courrégé, S. C., & Weed, N. C. (2019). Evaluating The Descriptive Validity Of The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-adolescentrestructured Form And The Youth Level Of Service/case Management Inventory In A Rural Sample Of Juvenile Offenders [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice,
15(2), 97-117.
Keywords: Q-sort, MMPI-A-RF, YLS/CMI, test interpretation, multi-method assessment
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