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Effective Leadership in Law Enforcement: Current and Past Police Chief Perspectives

Description: As a part of a statewide educational program for Texas municipal Police Chiefs, issues relevant to the concept and practice of leadership within the law enforcement arena are examined. Texas communities employ more than 1,000 municipal police chiefs who serve in geographically and demographically diverse settings throughout the State. The Chief's responses include their perceptions of best practices of leaders; indispensable leadership skills; critical mistakes made by leaders; as well as essential qualities necessary for effective leadership. A unique opportunity existed in which this study was not only able to examine the responses from current police leaders, but also contrast those with responses from a survey of police leaders that was administered three decades ago, offering a glimpse of the changes in police-leadership practice and philosophy. Additionally, based on these findings, suggestions regarding topics for police executive training are offered.

Suggested Citation:
Garner, R. L. (2017). Effective Leadership in Law Enforcement: Current and Past Police Chief Perspectives [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 13(2), 170 - 179.


Date: Dec 12, 2017 | File Size: 340.15 Kb | Downloads: 1953

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