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Mental Health, Stigma, Gender, And Seeking Treatment: Interpretations and Experiences of Prison Employees

Description: Social and personal stigma surrounding mental disorders among public safety personnel (PSP), including correctional staff, is undergoing a process of transformation. We examined how diverse Canadian prison staff interpret mental health and treatment seeking.

Suggested Citation:
Ricciardelli, R., Haynes, S. H., Burdette, A., Keena, L., McCreary, D. R., Carleton, R. N., Lambert, E. G., Groll, D. (2021). Mental Health, Stigma, Gender, And Seeking Treatment: Interpretations and Experiences of Prison Employees [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 16(1), 107-127.


Date: Mar 11, 2021 | File Size: 448.21 Kb | Downloads: 1057

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