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Community interventions in Bipolar Disorder - When the system fails.

Description: The objectives of this work are to disclose the critical interactions of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) with the criminal justice system in the United States-especially where the intentions of law enforcement and their actions collide. In addition, the symptomatology of bipolar disorder, its prevalence, and cost-effectiveness in the medical system are described. Tragedy has followed the lives of many celebrities afflicted with bipolar disorder-their lives are usually not storybook fairy tales. Most importantly, a person experiencing the manic phase of bipolar disorder is dangerous to all concerned. An individual in full-blown bipolar mania interacting with law enforcement may encounter a life and death situation. As a result, law enforcement officers and court officials should have special training in dealing with the mentally ill-especially with bipolar mania. Community stakeholders include those afflicted with bipolar disorder, the criminal justice system, mental health advocates, and opposing forces (e.g., those policymakers favoring cutting mental health funding). Bipolar depression ruins many productive lives and sometimes these lives end in suicide.

Suggested Citation:
Flaer, P.J. & Younis, M.Z. (2011). Community interventions in Bipolar Disorder - When the system fails. [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 7(1), 1-8.

Keywords: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Illness), Law Enforcement, Criminalizing the Mentally Ill, Community Mental Health, Health Belief Model

Date: Oct 06, 2011 | File Size: 316.54 Kb | Downloads: 2357

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